Six NEVER NORMAL Essays Now Available as Limited Edition NFTs via

Picture of Greg Verdino

Greg Verdino

Greg is a business futurist, a top global keynote speaker, an entrepreneur, and the author of two books including NEVER NORMAL. He is a leading authority on digital transformation and the power of adaptability. It’s his mission to empower individuals and organizations to thrive in the age of exponential change.


The deeper I dive into web3, the more ways I find to experiment with how I get my work out into the world.

To that end, I’ve been playing around with a new(ish) web3 publishing platform called Mirror. In simplest terms, Mirror moves the basics of the online authorship model introduced by Medium or Substack onto the Ethereum blockchain. This allows writers (and other creators, although for me, Mirror is uniquely suited to wordsmiths where other NFT platforms favor visual artists or musicians) to post their work, have it validated as a distinct digital asset (essentially a web3 copyright), and then mint editions of that work as NFTs.

Right now, you can visit my Mirror profile to read and invest in six of the essays that appear in my book NEVER NORMAL: Uncommon Ideas for Leaders Who Won’t Settle For the Status Quo. This includes the title essay that to date has only been available in the book.

Each of the six essays is available as a limited edition NFT, with versions ranging from a mere 0.01 ETH (approximately $28 USD at today’s price of Ethereum) for one of 500 versions of ‘common’ rarity to 1 ETH ($2,800 USD in round numbers) for one of just five ‘legendary’ versions. The tiered structure allows each supporter to come aboard at a price that’s comfortable to them, while ensuring the kind of scarcity that makes NFTs in general valuable in the eyes of other collectors.

(Not financial advice and — as the web3 kids like to say — do your own research.)

Sound interesting? Open to supporting my writing and my work? 

Visit me on Mirror. Read (for free) and choose to mint any of my six essays. Pick your level of investment, and purchase with your Ethereum wallet (Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, etc.)

Greg Verdino NFT Screenshot 1
At the top of each essay, beneath the header image, you’ll see an option to ‘collect’ the essay as an NFT.


Greg Verdino NFT Essays
The pop-up will prompt you to choose your desired rarity level (each with an associated price point), connect your web3 wallet, and complete the transaction.



I’m curious to see how this will work. And I’m realistic enough to realize it may not work at all! And that’s OK. But if it does work, I’ll likely upload the remaining 10 NEVER NORMAL essays, essentially repurposing the entire book as a series of collectible NFTs. And either way, I’ll be gaining some valuable learning about alternative models for monetizing my content without the backing of a big book publisher or the logistical hassles of producing an indie title on my own.



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AQai Adaptability Assessments

The AQai adaptability assessment provides a scientifically validated measure of your personal AQ across 15 sub-dimensions. 

Adapt Manifesto

The Adapt Manifesto aims to align leaders around a set of seven core values and 10 practical principles that provide a step-by-step action plan for repeatedly and reliably adapting to change.