The Book That Took Eight Years to Write (But Takes Just a Few Seconds to Pre-Order)

Greg Verdino Never Normal

One week from today, my new book — NEVER NORMAL — will start shipping. Subtitled “Uncommon Ideas for Leaders Who Refuse to Settle for the Status Quo”, NEVER NORMAL collects 15 of my most popular blog posts, articles, and commissioned opinion pieces from the past eight years — and presents the brand new title essay […]

2020: The Year Digital Transformation Dies

Digital Transformation is Dead

Watson, we have a problem. According to research from McKinsey & Co, 70% of all transformations fail. For transformations of the digital sort, that number rises to over 80%. Of those that don’t outright fail, only 16% actually deliver improved performance. For those that do, the improvements are difficult to sustain. This is a dynamic […]

Introducing the Adapt Manifesto

Adaptability in Business

adaptability (noun). the quality of being able to adjust readily to new conditions Adaptability has never been more important than it is today. The ability of people, teams and entire organizations to reliably and repeatedly adapt to today’s business environment — an environment defined by unrelenting, accelerating change; one in which new conditions, challenges and […]